Graduation SS15 Tips | #BackToSchool


So it's back to school season guys, *insert a inspo post here*

A "totally don't know I'm being photographed" pic.

My (younger)brother and I 

I asked Drake why he cancelled Wireless, he said *insert any well known Drake phrase here* #myfriendlookslikedrake 

My natural hair was doing the cha cha slide. Slidddeee to the left... #wind #sun #noheatonhair #interesting

Let's be hipster and take a deep photo, I call this "gazing into le future"

Oh, let's take a casual on-the-phone photograph. Totally unaware of a camera to my left.

When he has better skin than you #awks

You know you'll be friends when you bond on tumblr and doctor who #coolkidz4lyf #hipster.

When they said you wouldn't make it #ha #ha #lol #lawl #provethemwrong #tumblr #meme #toomanyhashtags #sorrynotsorry

Looking into the distance #blackandwhite #deep.

Hello beautiful!

This post is long overdue, lo siento mis amigos. 

So it's back to school season! It doesn't matter whether you're starting/going back to primary school, secondary school, middle school, high school, college, university, this post is relevant to you all.

"Education is key" said a lot of parents. What about the pressure that comes with it? The stress. The sleepless nights. The social aspect? Friendships?

It's upsetting to think that so many young people hate school, whether it be for the subjects itself or perhaps . Even the act of waking up at unacceptable hours alone could lower ones mood. I understand.

Don't let these temporary mishaps cloud your future potential. It will all be over soon, I promise! I recorded a video with general Graduation Tips but this post introduces a different angle which is relevant to all ages. I'm currently editing it so hopefully it'll be ready very soon.

I graduated with a BSc in Economics on July 15th 2014 and the next day (July 16th 2014) was my 21st birthday so it was quite a cool few days! My 14th birthday was the last time I had officially "celebrated" my birthday, I'm not sure why. I'm not really a party/clubbing person in the first place and I'm just generally content with living alone, I don't need a party to cement it. Am I weird? #TeamWeirdos. 

"School" (of all years) is a challenge in itself let alone everything else but it'll be okay, I promise.

When your start date comes, have positive thoughts. We are all guilty of starting off the year negatively, change "oh no school soon" to "this is my opportunity for a fresh start... this is a new year"

If you ever need to speak to anyone, just know I'm here. You can tweet me on Twitter, you can message me on my Facebook page, you can message me on Tumblr, you can message me on my YouTube page, you can message me on my Instagram page and my email address is

Don't give up, keep going! I want to hear your success stories this time next year! Honestly, you better come back otherwise I won't be a very happy bunny! :) 

Yours sincerely,
Jennifer Agwunobi

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